We provide
free and confidential
debt advice services
to anyone who needs help

Our story

In 2013 a number of Christians from churches around Huntingdon and Godmanchester wanted to help those who were struggling with debt. They were aware of the large number of people in the area with debt problems and knew that debt can lead to stress, hunger and relationship breakdowns. A group was formed to work to find a solution. Soon the charity Huntingdon Area Money Advice was formed, trustees appointed and training undertaken. In October 2013 we saw our first clients and have had a steady stream ever since, seeing an average of 7 new clients each month.

Some clients need some simple budgetary advice whilst others need help to prioritise their debts, pay off the important ones and negotiate token payments for the non-urgent ones. For some the answer may be a Debt Relief Orders or bankruptcy. No matter what you need, everyone needs a friendly face with the knowledge to advise on how to get the creditors/bailiffs of their backs, to stop the red letters coming through the letterbox and get them on an even keel so they can face the future with confidence.